19th Century Humanities
          In the 1830s and the 1840s, there were three severe infectious diseases around Britain.

* 1831-1833 --- Two influenza epidemics appeared including the first time when cholera was discovered.
* 1836-1842 --- Major influenzas such as typhus, typhoid, and cholera was confirmed.

                    The first time the Asiatic cholera was discovered in Britain was at Sunderland, during the fall of 1831. From there, the disease spread to the north, where Scotland is located, and to the south, where London is located. Before it had spread to the whole continent, approximately 52,000 people have already fled to heaven. The symptoms of the disease were terrifying, including thirst and dehydration, severe pain in the stomach and muscles that are close to that area. The disease was fairly different from the other diseases found in Britain previously. How did cholera spread? It was spread by the dirty water, affecting mainly the poorer neighborhoods.

                    In the 1830s, a new fever, typhus hit the Great Britain. From 1837 to 1838, most of the fevers in London were typhus. This happened to occur at the same time when smallpox was spreading around, killing tens of thousands of infants and children. Another type of fever known as scarlet fever, also killed almost 20,000 people in 1840.

                    In the summer of 1846, the climate was exclusively hot and dry, causing another type of disease outbreak known as the typhoid, which hit Britain later in the fall. That same year when The Great Potato Famine struck Ireland, typhoid appeared as Irish people took their "Irish fever" with them to Liverpool. By 1847, many of the places were infected due to immigration, causing over 30,000 deaths. 

                    In general, the food prices were high during the 1830s and 1840s. In addiction, the weather varied from droughts to heavy down pours of rain. In some districts of London, people are only supplied with water through a single pump. People will have to reuse dirty water when the pump isn't working. In this way, disease would spread much faster; thus, poorer neighborhoods infect diseases quicker.


     Le Petit Journal is the first daily newspaper in the 19th century. This picture clearly depicts the fact that cholera has spread fast and was killing much of the population.


1)      A) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
             This artifact relates to human health because of the infectious disease spread countrywide around Britain.

      B) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
             This artifact also relates to the invention of medicines and vaccines that can be used to prevent flues and infectious diseases.

2) Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/ or processing it?
    I chose this artifact because it can show how devastating the disease were and how much damage it caused by giving statistics. I spent about three hours researching about diseases and statistics of the death in Britain.

3) What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
    This artifact helped me understand the destruction made by the diseases.

4) Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
   This artifact did not reflect my best work because it wasn't the best way to express information.

5) Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5 for the following 4 criterion:

   A) impact on the quality of your portfolio                      1

   B) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment          1

   C) impact on your learning                                             4

   D) Level of creativity and originality                              1

6) Any additional comments.